Session 1: 21st of July, 2020
WWF hosted a meeting involving many like-minded institutions to explore ways of working more closely together on issues related to the conservation of grassland and savannah ecosystems.
The meeting included colleagues from Agrecol – CELEP; Cuenca Los Ojos; Equilibrium Research; Food and Agriculture Organisation; Fundacion Vida Silvestre; Great Plains Conservation Network; Humboldt University; International Livestock Research Institute; International Union for Conservation of Nature; Nature Conservancy; Thuenen Institute; UN Convention to Combat Desertification; University of Arizona and Wuerzburg; Wildlife Conservation Society; World Agroforestry & WWF
Session 2: 1st of September, 2020
WWF hosted a second meeting to explore ways of working more closely together on issues related to the protection and management of grassland and savannah ecosysems.
Session 3: 10th of November, 2020
The focus of the third meeting was on rangeland mapping. Existing global/regional (and national) big data sets or data platforms on rangeland have been explored in breakout sessions.
Session 4: 19th of January, 2021
Grassland/rangeland Restoration in the UN Food Systems Summit: Interactive session to generate ideas for UN Food Systems Summit.
Session 5: 16th of February, 2021
Importance of Grassland / Rangeland for Food Production
WEBINAR on Restoration and Sustainable Management of Rangelands:
(Presented by: Lucy WARUINGI,
Executive Director, African Conservation Centre)
Zoom Recording Session 5 Passcode: ?TJH5F&6
Session 6: 16th of March, 2021
Policies for Grassland, Rangeland and Savannahs
Zoom Recording Session 6 Passcode: j@xb44GA
Session 7: 27th of April, 2021
Outreach and collaboration – an open discussion
Zoom recording session 7 Passcode: 9#MmNbMh
Session 8: 29th of June, 2021
Zoom Recording Session 8 Passcode: %@KXk56O
Session 9: September 7th, 2021
Global Grasslands & Savannahs Dialogue Platform: Pastoralism – Challenges and opportunities for biodiversity, climate and people
- Presentations:
- Introduction video:, Ann Waters-Bayer,
- Mobile Pastoralism – opportunities for climate, biodiversity and people , Maryam Niamir-Fuller, - Introduction to FAO Publication: Pastoralism, making variability work, Veronique Ancey, - Presentation of report: Pastoralism – making variability happen, Saverio Kratli
- Mobile Pastoralism – opportunities for climate, biodiversity and people , Maryam Niamir-Fuller,
- Links to videos:
- “Pastoralism is the future” video in English with Arabic, Chinese, German, Hindi, Italian, Spanish & Mongolian subtitles:
- “Pastoralist in Italy” – WWF Italy,
- The vital importance of Grasslands and Savannahs
Zoom Recording Session 9 Passcode: @aX*3C*^
Session 10: December 14th, 2021
What`s next in 2022
Exiting months are behind us bringing grasslands, savannahs and rangelands into national and international fora such as the UN Food Systems Summit, IYRP and Climate COP. New York Times reported on Grasslansd valuable impact on mitigation of climate change ahead of Climate COP in Glasgow (Keeping Cattle on the Move and Carbon in the soil) and important moments are ahead of us such as UNEA 5.2, UNCBD COP 15 and UNCCD COP15.
In this 10th meeting we exchanged on up-coming activities and how to strengthen grasslands ecosytems in major events. The meeting recaped past events and explore future engagement.
Session 11: February 8th, 2022
Fokus of the session:
- Presentation of WWF’s report “Beyond Forest”
- Learn about Mountain Partnership
- Discussing opportunities to strengthen grasslands ecosystems protection, management, and restoration in global agendas
Zoom recording session 11: Passcode: zxf*qh5?
Session 12: March 29th, 2022
Carbon storage in Grassland Ecosystems
Focus of the meeting:
– Learn about Carbon sequestration and storage in Grassland Ecosystems
– Explore opportunities management of grazing to build up soil organic carbon
– Get up-date on up-coming events and activities
– Look forward for up-coming publications
Zoom recording session 12 Passcode: #HhL%6xA
Session 13: June 29th, 2022
Global Momentum for Grasslands, Savannahs and Rangelands
- Learn about outcome of UNCCD COP and the Global Coalition on Grasslands, Savannahs and Rangelands (GSR)
- Discuss opportunities to strengthen GSR at the UNFCCC and UNCBD Conference of Parties
- Exchange information on plans for engagement like joint side-events
- Up-coming reports and other issues
Zoom recording session 13 Passcode: z9zTA.8.
Session 14: October 11th, 2022
Coalitions & UNFCC Climate COP
• the Grasslands, Savannahs and Rangelands (GSR) Coalition, initially floated at the UNCCD COP,
May of this year
• preparations for the up and coming COPs: UNFCCC in Egypt in November and CBD in Montreal in
Zoom recording session 14
Passcode: lEK?hG7Z
Session 15 January 10th, 2023
- GEF guide to the implementation of the 30×30
- Reflections on the Climate and Biodiversity COPs
- What’s in a name – grasslands, savannahs, rangelands…?
Zoom recording Session 15
Passcode: =3#dEmE1