Responsible of the contents in accordance with § 6 MDStV/TDG

WWF Germany is an environmental foundation registered under German civil law, and headquartered in Berlin. The foundation is registered under the name “WWF Deutschland” (German, meaning WWF Germany). The abbreviation WWF stands for “World Wide Fund For Nature”. The foundation is recognised as a charitable organisation.

Publisher of this webpage:  
WWF Deutschland/ WWF Germany
Reinhardtstr. 18
10117 Berlin/ Germany
Phone: +49 (0)30 311777-0
Fax: +49 (0)30 311777-199

Managing director:

Eberhard Brandes

Central regulatory authority:
Senate Administration for Justice, Berlin, Az: 3416/976/2

Value added tax identification number according to § 27 a of the Value Added Tax Act: DE 114236103

© and ® for the WWF panda logo: WWF – World Wide Fund For Nature, Gland/ Switzerland


Responsible for all content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RstV:

Ilka Petersen

Agriculture and Land Use Change

WWF Germany

Dr. Hari Arti Khalsa

Agriculture and Land Use Change

WWF Germany

Maja-Catrin Riecher

Agriculture and Land Use Change

WWF Germany

WWF Deutschland/ WWF Germany
Reinhardtstr. 18
10117 Berlin/ Germany

Concept and design:

Based on WordPress.

Links to other sites:
WWF Germany declares that at the time of setting up the links on this webpage no illegal contents were shown on the to outside sites that were linked up. WWF Germany cannot influence the current or any future design, layout, contents or copyright issues connected to sites that this page in linking up to, and that are owned or operated by third parties. If you choose to use such links to access such sites you agree to review and accept their rules of use before using them. You access the third-party sites at your own risk. WWF does not assume any responsibility for material created or published by such third-party sites. By providing a link to a third party site the organizers do not imply that they endorse the site or the products or services referenced in such third party site.