The Global Grassland and Savannah Dialogue Platform seeks to develop consensus around human and biological importance of these ecosystems. The dialogue platform will set objectives, convene influencers and experts, advocate globally, and share information and best management practices - making the case for grasslands and savannahs conservation using the best available science, as well as testimonies from grassland-dependent communities.
2025 — Current Projects
Before 2025 — What we did
Agricultural production has come to threaten savannahs, grasslands and wetlands worldwide as well as in the Colombian Llanos (Orinoquia) and the Paraguayan Pantanal. But land use and management rarely include ecological and social criteria to safeguard natural ecosystems, biodiversity and carbon stocks.
The Heart of Borneo (HoB) corridor is a 22-million hectare landscape of forests that are home to a diverse group of wildlife species such as Orang Utan, Clouded Leopard, Pygmy Elephant and Sumatran Rhino. The corridor aims to create an ecological link between protected areas in Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia and Indonesia. The HoB corridor is one of WWF’s global priority conservation areas, and an important socio-economic development area for local and indigenous people.
The Green Economy in the HoB project will be developed within a two-million hectare site, spanning from Northwest Kalimantan to central Sarawak. The project is funded under the International Climate Initiative, by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety.
The project aims to pilot the development of a green economy land use and management plan, which promotes environmentally-friendly economic growth within the HoB Corridor.
The Sustainable Forest Management in East Malaysia project seeks to develop sustainable forestry management plans to restore landscape connectivity, improve opportunities for local communities and protect ecosystems. The main goal of the Project is to develop a model for sustainable forest management, which is environmentally friendly, economically successful and socially adequate. Ideally the Project will assist the Kubaan-Puak Forestry Management Units (FMU) achieve sustainable forest certification.
Paraguay is a country located in the heart of South America. It is divided into two large natural regions: the Oriental Region and the Occidental Region. In the mentioned regions we can find two ecological treasures; the first is composed of the Pantanal and the Chaco, while in the second we have parts of the Atlantic Forest of Alto Parana (BAAPA).
SuLu stands for Sustainable land Use. The official and full name of the project was “Balancing land use management, sustainable biomass production and conservation, climate change and conservation". The SuLu project was financially supported by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) within it´s International Climate Initiative from 2010 to 2014.
The project supported the development of spatial planning concepts for the Llanos grasslands in Colombia and the eco-regions of Kalimantan and Sumatra in Indonesia in partnership with local stakeholders, like governments, communities and conservation groups to avoid greenhouse gas emissions and minimize pressure on land with high biodiversity caused by biomass production.