demonstrates WWF Germany’s landscape level projects funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI).  Most projects on the site are transboundary and involve multiple countries.

Land use change from agricultural and urban expansion is transforming ecosystems around the globe – from Indonesian and Malaysian rainforest, to Colombian tropical grasslands and Paraguayan wetlands – with profound negative implications for climate change, biodiversity and rural economies.

WWF´s landscape work aims to integrate conservation, sustainable land use and, where necessary, restore landscapes to sustain biodiversity, ecosystem services and local economies.

Solutions at a landscape level require stakeholders from civil society, governments and the private sector work together to find solutions and address the challenges we are facing today. Bringing stakeholders together to discuss their challenges and develop collaborative, long term environmental solutions, is a key element of our landscape projects.

The IKI is a key element of Germany’s climate financing and the funding commitments in the framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity. The Initiative places clear emphasis on climate change mitigation, adaption to the impacts of climate change and the protection of biological diversity. These efforts provide various co-benefits, particularly the improvement of living conditions in partner countries.