An international collaboration

The UN-REDD program is an international collaborative initiative of the United Nations to develop and support REDD+ strategies in 47 developing countries, including Paraguay. Also included are the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in a multi-donor trust fund, which gathers the expertise and resources of these institutions.

The mandate of UN-REDD is that any national REDD+ strategy has to be based on strong institutions, such as good governance and effective legislation for environmental and social benefits to ensure the achievement of the desired success. As such, the main objective is to support a nationwide approach to REDD+ in the participating countries, improving the “readiness” of the country through capacity building at the national level, using the technical capacity of government organizations to be ready to REDD+ mechanism.

Throughout the whole design process and the stages of strategies implementation of a country´s REDD+ initiative, joint work is carried out in order to inform and involve all stakeholders in a participatory manner, including indigenous and local communities to ensure that REDD+ strategies are harmless and help improve the life quality.