WWF Side-Event on November 7th

“Addressing climate change, deforestation and conversion through landscape and jurisdictional approaches – experiences from the ground”


We are pleased to invite you to our WWF Side-Event at the World Climate Conference 2017 in Bonn in the WWF Pavilion, where we will jointly present our IKI projects:
“Sulu  – Land Use Change in Savannas and Grasslands” and
“Heart of Borneo – Green Economy”  



Ximena Barrera Rey
Public Policy Director, WWF Colombia: “Land use planning experiences from the Orinoquia in Colombia, a high biodiverse savanna landscape”.

Oscar Rodas
Director of Climate Change and Policy, WWF Paraguay: “Land use planning in savannahs and grasslands, experience from the Paraguayan Pantanal and its buffer zone”.

Martina Fleckenstein
Director Agriculture & Land Use Change, WWF Germany: “Landscape approaches to protect carbon stocks in the Heart of Borneo”.

Land use change from agricultural and urban expansion is transforming ecosystems around the globe – from Indonesian and Malaysian rainforest, to Colombian tropical grasslands and Paraguayan wetlands – with profound negative implications for climate change, biodiversity and rural economies.

Net greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, land use change and forestry generate approximately 25 % of global emissions. Forests and savannas are significant carbon sinks and are a critical component of a healthy global carbon cycle. Slowing the current rate of forest and savanna conversion by forestry and agriculture is a key strategy for achieving Nationally Determined Contributions.

WWF is a key actor in many climate focused jurisdictional approaches that aim to limit the conversion of natural ecosystems by forestry and agriculture. With origins in Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) and landscape approaches, our jurisdictional projects seek to align public and private stakeholders around shared goals of conservation and sustainable development.

This event will demonstrate the range of climate focused jurisdictional approaches that are occurring in Brazil, Paraguay, Colombia, Malaysia and Indonesia. Our five speakers will support an important discussion on the future of jurisdictional approaches, and the role they can play in achieving Nationally Determined Contributions.

Tapang Trees, Kapit, Sarawak. Z Chan